Phone: 07817 255739

Bird and Seal Watching

These scheduled trips depart from Queenborough All tides landing stage and last around four hours and offer you the chance to get really close to nature.
We will explore the remote and deserted creeks and inlets of the Medway and Swale.
This area is simply one of the best places and the least well known to view our fantastic wildlife. We have regular sightings of Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Merlin over the marshes.

Marsh Harrier photographed over The Isle of Sheppey
by Steve Childs
Waders seen regularly include Avocet, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit, Grey and Golden Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Greenshank, Knot, Dunlin and Oystercatcher among others. Wildfowl include: Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, Mallard and Shelduck.
As well Bird Watching we can also offer Seal Watching as Common Seals and sometimes Atlantic Grey Seals inhabit the mud banks of the Creeks.. The Medway Delta has a special Ginger coloured seal that has been featured on the BBC1 Programme 'Coast"